+4 votes
in Photo & Video by (242k points)
VSCO Cam: the must-have photo app

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by (1.6m points)
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Smartphone and digital camera
Enhance your photos
VSCO Cam: how does it work?
Take a photo with VSCO Cam
Photo editor


Today there are countless mobile applications that allow iPhone users to improve the quality of their photos or add filters. However, there are few that deserve a place in the memory of our precious mobiles. The VSCO Cam app is one of them..

Smartphone and digital camera

The arrival of smartphones has changed our photographic habits. The quality of the images produced by these phones has greatly improved in recent years.

Fixed wide angle focal length offering a wide field of vision, autofocus, physical trigger button, stabilized optics, recording in RAW, the equipment of these mobiles is enough to make many digital compacts blush. So much so that for many users, the smartphone has become their main camera ..

Enhance your photos

However, photos taken with a smartphone are sometimes far from perfect. Bad framing, too weak light, visible pixel and I forget some. Fortunately, there are applications to correct all these small errors.

This is particularly the case for the VSCO Cam application . This photo editor for iPhone has a wealth of functionality to help you achieve the perfect shot. We explain how to use it. image

VSCO Cam: how does it work?

The VSCO Cam application is very interesting in more ways than one. Firstly, it benefits from a particularly neat interface and extraordinary ergonomics. Its features seem relatively simple at first, but they are nonetheless very effective..

Take a photo with VSCO Cam

image The first module allows you to take a photo with your iPhone directly from VSCO Cam. As on most competing applications, the interface allows you to activate or not the flash, to modify the focus, to display or not a grid to help to carry out a correct framing and to adjust the white balance . Nothing really new in short.

Photo editor

But it is after the photo is taken that the serious things begin. Indeed, the image editor integrated into VSCO Cam offers a very effective solution to embellish these shots. With it you can change the size of your photo, create thumbnails, crop it, straighten it and even rotate it.

image As if that were not enough, VSCO Cam also has tools to adjust the temperature, contrast, saturation or exposure of all your shots. This should delight fans of photo editing.


image Impossible to imagine a photo editing application today without the famous filters . VSCO Cam is no exception to the rule. The latter has no less than a dozen fully customizable filters. If that is not enough, know that it is possible to add more but on the other hand you will have to open your wallet.

Overall, the VSCO Cam app does nothing new compared to the best photo apps. No special function or even magic tool. But it does its job perfectly and allows you to obtain a pro result without being one. Now it's up to you to let your creativity speak.
