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Recover deleted files from - how to save your data

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Recover files with Recuva - Here's how
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
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7th step:
8th step:
9th step:
10th step:
quick start Guide

Have you deleted important data from your Windows PC? We'll show you how you can still save them with a free program..

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Have you accidentally deleted an important file or photo and can no longer find the data in the Recycle Bin? You can often still rescue the files in Windows 10, as they have so far only been released for overwriting and have not yet been physically deleted. The chances of success are particularly good if you notice the loss quickly and do not take any further action on the computer so that the lost data is not overwritten again. We'll show you how this works with the free Recuva tool.

Recover files with Recuva - Here's how

Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Download Recuva and start the installation program. On the first page you can change the language at the top right . Below you can decide whether you want to install the CCleaner at the same time. Then click on " Install ".

2nd step:

Start the Recuva Assistant by clicking on " Next ".

3rd step:

If you know exactly where the deleted file was stored, you can indicate it in this window. Otherwise, check " I'm not sure " and then click " Next ".

4th step:

You can activate the " depth search " here directly , which takes place after a normal search if your file is not found at first . You can also activate it later . Click on the " Start " button .

5th step:

After the search process, all files found will be displayed. Go to " Advanced Settings ".

6th step:

There is a search box at the top right . There you can filter the results , for example by type. Or you can enter the name of the missing file there.

7th step:

The list shows the deleted files. These files are given a traffic light color. Green means the file is very likely to be fully recoverable. Red indicates that recovery is unlikely . Yellow means the file is likely only partially recoverable. Select the files to be restored and click " Next ".

8th step:

Here you select the recovery location . In any case, do not take the location where the file was last saved . The data recovery works much more reliably this way. If the file was on your hard drive with the drive letter "C", it is best to choose a USB stick or an external hard drive . Confirm your choice with " OK ".

9th step:

Then confirm the restore process with " OK ".

10th step:

The restored file should now be in the location you selected previously.

Here you can find additional programs for data recovery..

quick start Guide

  1. Download the Recuva setup file, e.g. B. at Heise Download.
  2. Open the file, then change the language and decide whether you want to install the CCleaner as well.
  3. Click Install, then click Next .
  4. Enter the last storage location of the deleted file and then click on " Next ".
  5. Activate the depth search or go directly to " Start ".
  6. Click on " Advanced Settings " to filter your search results or to search for the file name directly .
  7. When you have found the deleted file, select it and then click on " Recover ".
  8. Choose a restore location . Avoid using the same partition or hard drive (same drive letter) from which the file was deleted.
  9. Confirm by clicking " OK ". The file should now be in the recovery location.
