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overview of the most important HTML commands

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The most important HTML commands at a glance
Basic structure
Structuring and alignment

Would you like to know which commands are available in HTML? We have put together an overview of the most important commands for you..

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HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language" and is one of the most popular markup languages. In order to write HTML code, it is important that you are familiar with the most popular HTML commands and HTML tags. We have compiled a list here.

The most important HTML commands at a glance

It is important to note that there are different versions of HTML. The commands mentioned here all relate to the latest HTML version, HTML5. However, most of them also apply to older HTML files. The named HTML commands can easily be entered in an HTML document or an HTML editor. A command always consists of two parts: <command> content </command>.

Basic structure

HTML commands meaning
<html> </html> or <! DOCTYPE html> </html> Defines an HTML document and thus forms the framework.
<head> </head> Defined area at the beginning of a document in which the title occurs in particular.
<title> </title> Names a title and must be mentioned in the header.

<body> </body> Everything that does not appear in the header belongs in the body of the document. Generally anything that is not the title.
<! - Comment -> What you write in this command is not displayed. The comment has space for your own comments. This is how you keep track of your HTML code.
HTML commands meaning
<html> </html> or <! DOCTYPE html> </html> Defines an HTML document and thus forms the framework.
<head> </head> Defined area at the beginning of a document in which the title occurs in particular.
<title> </title> Names a title and must be mentioned in the header.

<body> </body> Alles, was nicht in den Header kommt, gehört in den Body des Dokuments. Im Allgemeinen alles, was nicht der Titel ist.
<!-- Kommentar --> Was Sie in diesem Befehl schreiben, wird nicht angezeigt. Der Kommentar bietet Platz für eigene Anmerkungen. So behalten Sie in Ihrem HTML-Code den Überblick.

An example structure of an HTML document would be:

<body>Inhalt des Dokuments</body>

Structuring and alignment

command meaning
<h1> </h1> Main heading, defined by the font size.
<h2> </h2> to <h6> </h6> Subheadings that should be used in descending order.
<p> </p> Forms a paragraph. In HTML5 you can omit the </p> and just put a <p> in front of each of your paragraphs .
<br> Forces a line break.
<hr> Creates a dividing line.
<table> </table> Creates a table.
<li> </li>
Creates a bullet point if it is in an <ol> or <ul> tag.
Befehl Bedeutung
<h1> </h1> Hauptüberschrift, definiert durch Schriftgröße.
<h2> </h2> bis <h6> </h6> Zwischenüberschriften, die in absteigender Reihenfolge verwenden werden sollten.
<p> </p> Bildet einen Absatz. In HTML5 kannst du das </p> weglassen und vor jeden deiner Absätze einfach nur ein <p> schreiben.
<br> Erzwingt einen Zeilenumbruch.
<hr> Erzeugt eine Trennlinie.
<table> </table> Erzeugt eine Tabelle.
<li> </li>
Erzeugt einen Aufzählungspunkt, wenn es in einem <ol> oder <ul> Tag drin ist.


command meaning
<b> </b> Font is shown in bold .
<i> </i> Font is shown in italics .
<u> </u> Font is underlined .
<s> </s> Text is shown with a line through it.
<sup> </sup> Creates superscript characters, such as x 2 .
<sub> </sub> Creates subscripts, such as H 2 O.
Befehl Bedeutung
<b> </b> Schrift wird fett angezeigt.
<i> </i> Schrift wird kursiv angezeigt.
<u> </u> Schrift wird unterstrichen angezeigt.
<s> </s> Schrift wird durchgestrichen angezeigt.
<sup> </sup> Erzeugt hochgestellte Zeichen, wie etwa x 2 .
<sub> </sub> Erzeugt tiefgestellte Buchstaben, wie etwa H 2 O.

Note: The font color is no longer changed with HTML. The best way to do this is to use the CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) system..


command meaning
<h3 id = "anchor name"> heading </h3> This creates an anchor, in this case for a heading with rank 3. The heading type can be changed as required. You can find out more about this here . You can replace the name and the heading with your own text.
<a href="Anchor Name"> Link </a> How to reference an anchor in the same HTML document. At anchor name , enter the anchor to which you refer. And instead of a link, write what refers to the anchor. Detailed instructions on how to correctly reference anchors can be found here .
<a href="dok.html#Anker"> Link </a> This allows you to reference an anchor in another HTML document. Instead of dok.html, enter the name of the HTML document that is referenced. For anchor, enter the name of the anchor that you want to refer to. And instead of Link, enter your reference. Here it is explained to you step by step .
<a href="http://www.url.de/> Reference </a> You can use this command to refer to an external page. Replace http://www.url.de/ with the desired page. Instead of the placeholder Reference, write the actual reference.
Befehl Bedeutung
<h3> Überschrift</h3> Damit erstellen Sie einen Anker, in diesem Fall zu einer Überschrift mit dem Rang 3. Der Überschrifttyp kann beliebig gewechselt werden. Mehr dazu finden Sie hier . Den Namen und die Überschrift können Sie durch Ihre eigenen Texte ersetzen.
<a href="Ankername"> Link</a> So verweisen Sie auf einen Anker im gleichen HTML-Dokument. Bei Ankername tragen Sie den Anker ein, auf den Sie verweisen. Und statt Link schreiben Sie das, womit auf den Anker verwiesen wird. Eine genaue Anleitung, um Anker korrekt zu verweisen, finden Sie hier .
<a href="dok.html#Anker"> Link</a> Damit können Sie auf einen Anker in einem anderen HTML-Dokument verweisen. Statt dok.html geben Sie den Namen des HTML-Dokumentes ein, auf das verwiesen wird. Bei Anker geben Sie den Namen des Ankers ein, auf den Sie verweisen möchten. Und anstelle von Link tragen Sie Ihren Verweis ein. Hier wird es Ihnen Schritt für Schritt erklärt .
<a href="http://www.url.de/> Verweis</a> Mit diesem Befehl können Sie auf eine externe Seite verweisen. Ersetzen Sie dabei http://www.url.de/ mit der gewünschten Seite. Anstelle des Platzhalters Verweis schreiben Sie den tatsächlichen Verweis.
