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How to Connect AirPods to Windows 10 PC Original text

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by (1.6m points)
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Can AirPods connect to PC?
How to Connect AirPods to Windows 10 Computer?
How to fix AirPods syncing issue with Windows 10?

Apple AirPods are the world's first wireless headphones from the giant company that are capable of working with any Apple product, including Macs, iPhones, iPads and iPods..

Even though they were originally created only for Apple devices, you can still use them on other devices as they don't use any particular technology. Just use bluetooth to connect AirPods to computer or other devices.

Can AirPods connect to PC?

Apple AirPods can connect to any PC, from traditional laptops or desktops to modern Windows 10 devices, like the Surface Pro, which provide a built-in Bluetooth connection feature..

When connected to a Windows 10 computer, Apple AirPods can be used to listen to audio files, record sounds, control audio volume, and pause current playback. You just need to do a few taps to apply the actions you want.

How to Connect AirPods to Windows 10 Computer?

The method of connecting Apple AirPods is exactly the same as adding a Bluetooth audio device to a Windows computer. You don't need to download any additional software or make any changes in your Windows 10 system to be able to use it..

  1. Turn on your Windows computer then select the icon at the bottom right corner of the screen to be able to open the "Action Center".

  2. Click on "All settings".

Important: When the Action Center is open, make sure Bluetooth is turned on. If it is enabled, then its icon should be brighter than the others. If it is disabled, then click on it to enable it.


  1. Select the “Peripherals” option.

  2. Click on “Add a Bluetooth device and another device”.


  1. A new window will appear. Then select the “Bluetooth” option.

  2. Your AirPods should now be able to appear in the device list. Click on it to start the pairing process.

Tip: If you can't find your AirPods, then open the charging case cover.

  1. Immediately after selecting their name from the list of devices, press the circular button on the back of your headphones while keeping the lid of their charging case open. This will send a signal to your Windows 10 computer so that the connection can be established between your PC and your wireless headphones. When pairing is in progress, the light on the charging box should change from green to white.

Note: If you come across an error message when trying to connect your AirPods to your Windows 10 PC, press the "Sync" button that is in the charging case just before you select the name of your AirPods from the list. available Bluetooth devices. Make sure to hold down the sync button until pairing is complete.

  1. When the pairing is successful, the message “Your device is ready to use” will appear on your screen. Click "OK" to close it.


How to fix AirPods syncing issue with Windows 10?

Even good quality AirPods may stop working after pairing with Windows 10 has already been successfully completed. Here are some possible solutions that you can apply if you too are facing this kind of problem:

  • Turn off other devices' Bluetooth: If you have previously paired your AirPods with your iPhone or other devices, sometimes it can happen that they refuse to work with a Windows 10 computer even though you have paired them before. Temporarily turning off Bluetooth for other devices around you can help you more easily connect them to your computer.
  • Keep Charging Case Open: Apple AirPods can connect with devices only when the charging case is open and a green light on it is on. Open the case and wait a few seconds before popping out the headphones and placing them in your ears.

If both of the above tips didn't work, then please try again using all of these steps exactly.

  1. Open an application such as Spotify on your Windows 10 computer and play a song you like.

  2. Put your AirPods back in their case and close it.

  3. Wait a few seconds.

  4. Go to the "Action Center", then select "All settings"> "Devices". Then make sure your AirPods are in the list of paired devices.

  5. Quickly open the charging case, take the AirPods and place them in each of your ears.

  6. Select "AirPods" as quickly as possible from the list that is on the screen, then click "Connect." The AirPods should now be connected, and you should be able to hear the music you launched through the headphones.

  7. If your AirPods are still not working, then you still have the latest solution available. Go to "All settings"> "Devices", then select the name of your headphones and click "Remove device". Now repeat the pairing process as explained earlier in this article.
