If you want to search for specific places using the coordinates, this also works in Google Maps. We'll show you how it works..
In addition to searching for normal addresses, Google Maps also supports searching for coordinates. In the following, we will show you which types of coordinates Google Maps supports, how you can enter coordinates on the map and, vice versa, how you can find them out.
Google Maps allows you to enter two different ways of writing coordinates in the search. There are basically the following permitted formats:
For example, you can use coordinates to search for known buildings or locations using Google Maps. One more note at this point: If you refer to coordinates in radians on German pages, change the O to an E beforehand . The reason for this is that Google Maps only works with the English spelling. So instead of Ost, the English equivalent East is required.
You can enter the coordinates of certain points and locations directly into Google Maps. You can read how this works in this guide:
The GPS coordinates of any location can also be found using a function from Google Maps:
All you have to do is simply click anywhere on the map. This point is then marked with a pin. Google will now show you the coordinates of the location below . Click on this for further information or save it externally..
The procedure with the app is quite straightforward. Simply tap and hold on a selected position for which you want to receive the coordinates . The app shows you a red position point and the associated coordinates in the field above.