+5 votes
in Photo & Video by (242k points)
Force your iPhone to take photos faster

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1.6m points)
Best answer

Prioritize taking quick photos


Photography is not only about capturing an image but also about capturing the intensity of the present moment. To do this you have to be in the right place at the right time and be ready to capture the situation that presents itself to you. Here is a tip that will help you take photos faster with iPhone..

Prioritize taking quick photos

The decisive moment is by definition unpredictable. It is therefore advisable to put all the chances on his side to succeed in capturing him. Taking a good photo therefore requires patience, observation and some basic knowledge of exposure (shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, diaphragm opening).

It is also important to ensure that the camera is ready to capture the decisive moment. Unfortunately on some smartphones the delay between pressing the shutter button and recording the photo is very long. Those lost tenths of a second can make you miss a photo..

The latest iPhone models have a mode that allows you to take photos even faster. Once activated, it will modify the way in which the Apple smartphone processes the captured image.

As a result, the user will be able to take many more images one after the other as with the burst mode. Obviously this option will reduce the pause time (less light captured). Your photo may lose quality and sharpness a bit..

However, this mode remains an excellent option for photographing a moving subject. Please note, the latter is only available on iOS 14 and higher versions. You will therefore need to check before your phone is compatible with the most recent iOS software update.

Below is the procedure on how to enable the Prioritize Quick Photo Taking feature on your Apple phone. And for those who are interested here is a method to take a picture with the self-timer.

  • Open iPhone Settings (cogwheel icon located on the main screen)
  • Bring the window down
  • Select the Camera option located just below the Photo section
  • Cycle through the different shooting options until you see Prioritize taking a quick photo.
  • Make sure the switch next to this option is green
  • Otherwise click on the button to activate it

Your iPhone will now take pictures as quickly as possible. The image processing time will then be shortened as much as possible but will have little effect on the quality of the photo. The processors equipping the very latest iPhones are now able to carry out a multitude of processing operations during the shooting in a very short time.
