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in Tips & Tricks by (242k points)
Delete Google entries - here's how

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by (1.6m points)
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How to have Google delete entries
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
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If you google yourself, you may come across posts that you don't really want to see publicly. How to delete them..

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Unpleasant Google entries are not only relevant for celebrities: If you google yourself, you may come across information that you do not like: Someone publicly posted photos of the last company party and gave your name. Or someone is annoyed with you and posts malicious information anonymously. Theoretically, you could now use a lawyer to stir up the originators of the unpleasant information, but that is difficult and expensive. It is better to first remove the information from Google. Because what is not on Google is hard to find on the web these days.

How to have Google delete entries

1st step:

According to a ruling by the European Court of Justice in 2014, people are allowed to remove information from Google search results. However, only if their personal interest outweighs the interest in corresponding search results. In other words: As a private person, you have a good chance of having entries removed. Celebrities, however, less so. To do this, first open the data protection form provided by Google .

2nd step:

Now select your country of origin . The country of residence applies here , not the country of birth. If you z. For example, if you live mainly in Mallorca, you must enter Spain.

3rd step:

Now enter your name and a contact email address . It doesn't matter whether you are representing yourself or performing these tasks for someone else, such as a client or family member.

4th step:

Now indicate for whom you are requesting the deletion . You can choose between yourself, a customer, a family member, a friend and “other”. Tick ​​what concerns you, that is "Myself".

5th step:

Now it gets tricky: you have to prove that you are authorized to fill out a deletion request . You can submit a document here that you can redact, except for your name and address details. For example, a notice of a fine or a similar official document would be ideal . The ID can also be sent, but this does not have to be. Upload the document to Google with " Select files ".

6th step:

Indicate if and when you have already sent an inquiry by entering the 14-digit reference number of the old inquiry . If you have not yet started a request, you can skip this point .

7th step:

Now enter the name for which the search results should be deleted . Enter your name or that of your client / friend / family member here.

8th step:

Now enter in the field above why you are requesting the deletion . Give reasons for the application as long as necessary and as briefly as possible. In the field below, enter the URLs on which the information appeared.

9th step:

Finally, you have to fill out the affidavit . Check all fields and enter the current date. But be careful: The date must be filled in in the American date format, i.e. first month, then day. Then sign the statement by entering your name. You can then - after checking the captcha - click on " Send ". After submitting the application, Google must be active. Google will contact you and report whether the request for deletion is legitimate and whether the results will be deleted. Depending on the application and the workload at Google, this can take a while.
