How to create a table of figures in Word 1st step 2nd step 3rd step 4th step 5th step quick start Guide
Word offers many useful functions for creating directories automatically. The list of figures is the standard for scientific work and texts. It consists of the tabular overview at the beginning of your document and the captions of your images. All images, graphics, tables and formulas used must be noted here. For future readers it is a navigation aid with which you can jump directly to the desired image. We will show you in five simple steps how to insert a table of figures into your scientific essay.
How to create a table of figures in Word
What you should consider before creating: Give each figure an individual heading. Since the list of figures creates direct links, you can avoid errors. Pay attention to a chronological order of your representations. Finally, you should also include the page numbers in the list of figures so that the figures can be found quickly in the document.
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .
Attention: Up to version Word 2016, the functions can be found in the " References " tab.
quick start Guide
1. Create a label for all images in your document using " References " and " Insert label " . 2. Give your picture a unique title and determine the type of picture . (eg table) 3. Select the position where your directory should be created. Then go to " Insert table of figures " in the " References " tab . 4. Set the required format and other options in the newly opened window and then click " OK ".
5. If additional figures are added later, you can update your directory via " References " and "Update figure directory "..