Your touchpad has stopped working? No panic! In our tips + tricks section, we will show you how to fix the problem..
If the touchpad stops working, there could be several reasons. Usually this problem can be fixed quickly. We have compiled the most common causes and solutions for you below.
Most laptop touchpads can be deactivated or activated using a specific key combination. Perhaps you accidentally pressed this key combination and thus locked your touchpad without even realizing it. Therefore, the first thing you should try is to unlock your touchpad using the appropriate key combination. Proceed as follows: Look for a key with a touchpad symbol on your keyboard. This symbol is often found on the [ F5 ] or [ F6 ] keys . Press this key at the same time as [Ctrl] + [Alt] . Your touchpad should already be unlocked.
If your touchpad still does not work, this may be due to the Windows settings. Get an external mouse and connect it to your laptop. Then follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..
If your touchpad still isn't working, it could be due to missing or outdated drivers for the touchpad. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .
If the touchpad is still not functional despite the solutions described above, it is possible that your touchpad is defective. The only thing that helps here is a repair by replacing the touchpad. But be careful: especially with older laptops, the repair costs can exceed the value of the laptop..