CMYK stands for the three color components cyan, magenta and yellow and the black component K (abbreviation for key). This color profile is the standard in the printing sector. However, if you would like to edit an image on your PC or tablet, we recommend RGB colors - i.e. red, green and blue. We tell you here how to convert the color model in GIMP from CMYK to RGB.
Installation of Separate Plus and ICC color profiles
Before you can use the add-on in GIMP, it must be downloaded and installed in the correct folder. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .
Converting colors from CMYK to RGB using GIMP
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..
Note: We use GIMP 2.10.20 in our instructions.
Brief instructions: Install separate Plus and ICC color profiles
- Download Separate + from . To do this, click on " Download Seperate + " on the page .
- Unzip the zip file.
- Now move the "separate" folder to C: \ Users \ USERNAME \ AppData \ Roaming \ GIMP \ 2.10 \ plug-ins .
- The ICC color profiles are also required from the official Adobe website.
- Unzip the downloaded ZIP file again and move its " RGB " and " CMYK " folders to C: / Windows / System32 / spool / drivers / color .
Quick guide: Converting CMYK to RGB with GIMP
- First start GIMP and go to " Edit " and then " Preferences " in the menu .
- Via " Color Management " go to the selection menu under " RGB Profile " and select the option " Select color profile from hard disk ".
- Here you navigate to the folder in which "CMYK" and "RGB" were previously saved - C: / Windows / System32 / spool / drivers / color .
- Now select the color profile " AdobeRGB1998.icc " in the " RGB " folder . Confirm the process with " Open ".
- Now open the desired image in the GIMP and then navigate via the menu to " Image "> " Color management "> " Assign color profile ".
- Under " Assign " set the color profile to " Adobe RGB (1998) ".
- Then click on " Assign " and export or save the converted image.