LTE or just 3G? How good is your cell phone reception really? You can easily check this yourself..
The large network providers Vodafone, Telekom and O2 / E-Plus are not equally easy to reach in all regions. So before you decide on a provider or if your reception just doesn't seem sufficient, you can check the respective network coverage online.
You will find the network coverage maps for the three major mobile network providers below:
On this map, you can select the different generations of cellular networks and even search for your current location for an accurate view of the situation. You can find it here: .
The network map from Vodafone shows you exactly how fast the mobile Internet is. With the help of the legend you can easily read off the speeds. You can find the map here: ..
O2 / E-Plus
If you search for your current location on this map, you will find information about the reception of the various network generations both outdoors and indoors. The map can be found here: .
In the following we explain some terms that you should be familiar with in connection with network coverage: