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in Android Tutorial by (242k points)
Unlock a SIM card using the PUK code

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by (1.6m points)
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What is the PUK code?
How to get your PUK code
Orange customer
Free mobile client
Bouygues Telecom customer


Have you entered the wrong PIN code three times in succession? Is your smartphone blocked and refuses to connect to your operator's mobile network? To unlock your SIM card, you will need an 8-digit unlocking key called PUK. We will explain where to find it..

What is the PUK code?

Smartphone piracy is not limited to just stealing personal data. Your mobile internet connection also arouses the lust of thieves. To prevent them from using your line to commit crimes (premium rate numbers, viewing illegal content, etc.), most operators recommend that their customers set up a PIN code.

Once configured, this 4-digit code will regulate access to your operator's network. Without the PIN code, it is therefore impossible to make calls, send SMS or surf the net in 4G. This security device is essential in the event of the loss or theft of your telephone..

On paper everything seems easy. But if when typing your PIN code it's the black hole then things may get complicated. Generally people in this situation tend to increase the number of seizure attempts. Unfortunately this is the thing to never do.

Indeed, after three incorrect codes, the SIM card is blocked automatically. You will then be unable to do anything with your smartphone except taking photos. image An alert message will then prompt you to enter the PUK code to reset your SIM PIN code. But what is this PUK code?

It is actually a security key made up of 8 digits. It is provided by telephone operators to allow their customers to unlock their SIM card after three unsuccessful attempts. This will save you from having to go to an agency to reset your SIM password..

How to get your PUK code

If it is rather simple to unlock your phone with the PUK code, do you still need to know where it is? Indeed, few people are aware of the existence of this safety device. And yet the PUK code appears on many supports.

Remember, when subscribing to your package, your mobile operator gave you a plastic card on which your SIM chip was located. If you are still in possession of this support, know that the PUK code is on it.

This precious number also appears on the contract or letter sent to you with the SIM card. Organized people will have no trouble getting their hands on this paper and therefore on the SIM reset code.

Orange customer

You can also retrieve it from your operator's website. Here are the steps to follow to obtain your PUK code on the Orange site.

  • Launch your web browser
  • Copy the following address in the URL field to access your customer area https://espaceclientv3.orange.fr/
  • Click on the button Identify yourself
  • Enter your credentials (email address or mobile phone number)
  • Then go to the mobile section and select the manage and troubleshoot option
  • Select the blocked SIM option
  • Click on the button display PUK code
  • Note precisely the 8 digits

If the operator's website is unable to provide you with this figure, you can always contact customer service. The operator will ask you for different information to confirm your identity and the barcode number printed on the back of your SIM chip. Here is a method to open the SIM card drawer.

Free mobile client

The operator's website Free offers various tools to manage your subscription directly online without having to go to an agency. Note that the operator installed on interactive terminals throughout the territory. These machines offer several services, including the change of SIM card. Here is the map listing the location of the distributors: https://mobile.free.fr/couverture/borne_interactive.html

  • Access the Free Mobile site http://mobile.free.fr/
  • Click on the Subscribed area tab
  • Type your email address and password
  • Click on manage my account and on my information
  • Select the option my PUK code

The operator will send you an email containing the 8-digit code. You will then just have to restart your phone and enter the code directly on your smartphone in the unlock code field.

Bouygues Telecom customer

Note that the operator Bouygues Telecom's site has a customer area. Once connected, simply click on the option to get my PUK code directly from the emergency section at the bottom of the page. Here is the direct link to access it: https://www.bouyguestelecom.fr/mon-compte/pinpuk/

Obviously this service is completely free. You just need to bring your credentials from your contract. If you forget your password, you can reset it.

You can also find your PUK code by contacting Bouygues Telecom customer service by phone or by going directly to one of the operator's shops. You will be charged 7.50 euros for this service.

Note that regardless of the mobile operator, after 10 incorrect PUK codes, the SIM card will be blocked permanently. You will then have no choice but to order a new chip. So be careful when entering the security code for your SIM card.
