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in Android Tutorial by (242k points)
How to complete the travel certificate in the TousAntiCovid app

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by (1.6m points)
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What are the different travel certificates
A new application to fight against Covid
Authorized exits during confinement


Since the establishment of containment, each exit must be justified. Compulsory travel certificates are now accessible directly from the application to fight the TousAntiCovid coronavirus developed by the French government..

What are the different travel certificates

The French government has just restored national containment. Since Friday October 30, the French must justify each of their trip by presenting a certificate. These documents can be downloaded and printed directly from the French government website at the following address: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/ressources-a-partager

These documents can be completed by hand or filled in directly from the mobile version of the website of the Ministry of the Interior. This second, more practical option will automatically generate a QR code that it will then suffice to present to the police in the event of a control. As a reminder, here is the method for using the smartphone travel certificate.

Authorized exits during confinement

To fight against the risk of saturation of intensive care services, the government has just decreed for the second time confinement throughout the country. However, as last spring, certain outings are authorized..

  • Coming and returning from work
  • Shopping (only basic necessities such as food or medicine)
  • Take and collect your children from school. Continuity of education is ensured by schools, colleges and high schools. Only universities are closing their doors.
  • Going out to provide assistance to vulnerable and precarious people
  • Go to a judicial or administrative summons
  • Go out for a maximum of one hour within a maximum radius of one kilometer around the home (fresh air, jogging, taking your pet out). Attention team sports are prohibited. However, parks, gardens and beaches remain open.

It is also possible to make an appointment at the town hall, the bank, the Post Office, the CAF, the Health Insurance or the Pôle Emploi. Please note, the certificates differ depending on the type of trip.

A new application to fight against Covid

As the epidemic accelerates, the government has decided to change its tracking application. Even if its operation remains broadly the same, this second version called TousAntiCovid (StopCovid for V1) is enriched with new features..

image For example, it allows you to find the nearest screening laboratory. A new info section also provides some statistics on the development of the pandemic. It includes the number of new cases, the positivity rate and the effective R (virus reproduction rate).

For the rest, little change. We can obviously always receive an alert as soon as we have been in contact with a person positive for Covid-19. However, since Thursday, the TousAntiCovid app has a tool that can generate a travel certificate.

  • Download the TousAntiCovid app from the Play Store
  • During the first launch you will be asked to deactivate the battery optimization for TousAntiCovid image
  • Press the accept button
  • Do not forget to allow notifications to receive an alert in case of exposure to an infected person
  • Click on the travel certificate tab placed in the more section
  • Complete your declaration by following the instructions displayed on the screen

At the end of the process, a QR code is created to facilitate checks by the police. Note that on some versions, the app simply refers the user to the website of the Ministry of the Interior managing travel certificates. You will then have to remember to update TousAntiCovid
