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in Routers by (242k points)
Verify port open or closed command Windows PowerShell | Web, local IP, external IP

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Command verify port open or closed Windows 10 with PowerShell

Viewing the status of the ports Windows 10 is one of the most common support tasks when the connection fails or when there is some kind of interference, this as a result of the ports allow communication with services and processes so that everything works as expected , Windows has thousands of ports to be used, some of the most used being:


Most popular ports


  • Port 21: FTP
  • Port 22: SSH and SFTP
  • Port 25: SMTP
  • Port 53: DNS
  • Port 80: HTTP
  • Port 443: HTTPS
  • Port 143: IMAP and many more



Port status
In Windows 10 it is possible to check the status of a port with the following conditions:


  • True: open
  • False: closed





This verification is possible thanks to the TNC command (Test-NetConnection) which displays diagnostic information for a connection, TNC supports ping tests, TCP tests, route tracing and route selection diagnostics. Let's see how to use TNC in Windows PowerShell to check the status of a port..


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Command verify port open or closed Windows 10 with PowerShell


Step 1

The first thing is to access Windows PowerShell as administrators:




Step 2

Once we access the terminal we will execute the following for an external or web IP:
 tnc -port 80 
Step 3

Pressing Enter will do the port status analysis:






Step 4

After the analysis we will see the result of the selected port:






Step 5

In this case it is True, that is, the port is active, we try another port. In this case this port is not active.
 tnc -port 3380 



Step 6

We validate the SMTP port is active (open).
 tnc -port 25 



Step 7

This process can be done with local IP addresses to see the precise results:
 tnc -port 25 



With TNC and PowerShell we have the ability to see the status of a port in real time.

