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in Web development by (242k points)
PHP 7.2 will be deprecated on November 30, 2020

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PHP 7.2 EOL: Now What?
Release dates and support deadlines for PHP versions


PHP 7.2 will be deprecated on November 30, 2020

Four of the most popular content management systems (WordPress, TYPO3, Joomla, and Drupal) use PHP. The open source programming language is primarily used for programming dynamic web content and is used, as a general rule, for server-side programming . Other programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, program on the client side (web browser)..

In Fall 2017, PHP 7.2 was introduced as a successor to PHP 7.1. On November 30, 2020, this version also reaches its EOL ( end of life ) date and is obsolete thereafter. It is advisable to update the version if you want to have protection against hackers , correct errors and optimize the performance of the website. With the end of life date of PHP 7.2, you can also take the opportunity to carry out an update to PHP 8. Version 8 is announced for the end of 2020 and offers significant improvements over the versions of PHP 7. If you want to test compatibility of your site with PHP 8, the beta version is now available.

  1. PHP 7.2 EOL: Now What?
  2. Release dates and support deadlines for PHP versions

PHP 7.2 EOL: Now What?

Although the PHP 7 versions have quite a few improvements compared to the popular PHP 5 versions, many websites still use outdated PHP code.

Recent data on PHP distribution shows that outdated PHP codes are often left out of date. Many users seem to avoid migration and fear technical problems caused by the change. Lack of time is another reason why many developers postpone upgrades to new versions. However, if you wait too long, the difficulty of the update can increase considerably . As a general rule, the more time there is between two versions of PHP, the greater the difficulty of the update. When downgrading to a major new version, for example from version 7 to version 8, additional difficulties are also normal..

If the language is not kept up to date, some consequences must be faced : technical problems can increase, because the web pages are no longer technically up to date; Website performance can deteriorate, with longer load times compared to competing websites, which can lead to a decrease in the number of visits.

An outdated PHP code has a very negative effect on the security of web pages . The hackers are always looking for security breaches. If you wait a long time to update your PHP, these vulnerabilities increase. In the meantime, it is assumed that due to bugs and security flaws up to PHP version 7.3.8 third-party programs can be installed and data can be changed, or even deleted.

For this reason, it is recommended that you update your website as soon as possible. With the EOL date of PHP 7.2 announced, consider moving to newer versions. PHP 7.4 , for example, works without compatibility issues with popular content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. In addition to the higher versions of PHP 7, the upgrade to PHP 8 it will also be available very soon..

Updates often increase performance, fix technical problems, and replace outdated plugins . In the long term, the new features and improved performance and security that come with successive releases can be very beneficial. Before updating your PHP code, it is recommended that you do offline testing. Errors and problems can be resolved in this way before the website is publicly accessible. If you need additional support, you can contact the plugin developers or visit the PHP community website.


IONOS offers PHP hosting for outdated versions. This offering, which is compatible with PHP versions 4.0 and higher, is aimed at existing and new customers. You will have the advantage of being able to use older versions of PHP safely and you will have the support of a personal consultant.

Release dates and support deadlines for PHP versions

When choosing future versions of PHP, you will need to take into account the release dates and timelines when it is still supported . New versions are usually released at the end of the year, and are typically supported for two years. During this time, the PHP team regularly fixes bugs and security flaws. After this phase, security compatibility will be guaranteed for another year, that is, only serious security flaws will be resolved. This phase is perfect for updating the version. On the end of life (EOL) date , the version is definitely out of date.

The total lifespan of a PHP version is usually three years. At the latest, it is recommended to upgrade to the next version in the last year (security compatibility phase).

In detail, this is the list of dates of the current and future versions of PHP, with the release dates and the compatibility deadlines:

PHP 8 - Update to PHP 8 (announced for November 26, 2020)
PHP 7.4 - Release: 11.28.19 - Active support until: 11.28.21 - Security support until: 11.28.22
PHP 7.3 - Release: 06.12.18- Support active until: 06.12.20- Security support until: 06.12.20
PHP 7.2 - Release: 11.30.17 - Active support until: 11.30.19 - Security support until: 11.30.20
Older PHP Versions - End of life (EOL), versions are obsolete

Still not familiar with the PHP of your website? In the control panel your host can easily find out which version of PHP use on your website. This section also usually offers help to update the version.
