From time to time, texts in other languages include letters and special characters that are not available in the keyboard version installed by default. If these characters are very common in the target language and are available in the keyboard layout of the corresponding language, they can be selected at any time within Windows 8. This makes typing much easier, since it will not be necessary to insert the characters manually as special characters. Changing the language of the Windows 8 keyboard can save you a lot of time, especially when the texts are long..
If you want to change the keyboard language, in Windows 8 it is essential that the corresponding language pack is installed and activated. In the popular version of Windows this is achieved in two ways:
Both options allow you to choose between one or more languages, in addition to the language set by default on the keyboard.
Of course, in other versions of Windows, like Windows 7 or Windows 10, you can also change the keyboard languages very easily..
One of the novelties that Windows 8 brought with it was smart corner navigation. Users can activate help windows and additional functions with short mouse movements in the activated corners. One of these functions is the "Charms bar", which allows you to access the PC settings.
You can also access the Control Panel from the "Charms bar". Both in the menu? Settings ?, and in the menu? PC Settings ?, you will find links to the Control Panel. If you prefer, you can use the keyboard shortcut Windows key + [I] , which will take you directly to the "Settings" menu, where the Control Panel will already be selected. Then follow the steps below:
In Word you can also change the keyboard layout and add languages. Within the menu, in the section? Language? In the section? Review ?, you will find the configuration. By the way, you can find the current version of the word processing program included in Microsoft 365 at IONOS..
After installing one or more languages and the corresponding language packs, you can easily change the language of the Windows keyboard at any time. Once again, you have several options: next to the Word settings, you can change the keyboard layout from the taskbar or via keyboard shortcuts .
If you want to change the language from the taskbar, follow the steps below:
If you select a language with a different keyboard layout, you may make a mistake when typing passwords, as the letters are not on their usual key.
If you prefer to change the language of Windows 8 using a keyboard shortcut, you have two options: