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in Sell ​​on the Internet by (242k points)
Word Commands: Best Keyboard Shortcuts in Word

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (1.6m points)
Best answer

General Word commands
Word commands: scroll and select
Word commands: formatting options


Word Commands: Best Keyboard Shortcuts in Word

It doesn't matter if you use Microsoft Word for work or for personal projects, with the right key combinations you can do it faster and therefore more efficiently . Thus, the use of Word will also be much easier and more intuitive , although the wide range of available combinations goes much further than the typical copy and paste..

Naturally, as with using Excel commands, those in Word require some practice as well. Over time, however, the effort pays off more than if you regularly work with the program. To give you an idea of ​​the most important Word shortcuts , we have summarized them in a table below.

  1. General Word commands
  2. Word commands: scroll and select
  3. Word commands: formatting options

General Word commands

Key combination Function
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + E Select all
Ctrl + F Search for
Ctrl + H Search for and replace
Ctrl + Alt + Home Open the list of scan options
Esc Cancel a command
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo (if possible)
Ctrl + S save
Shift + F12 Save As Menu ...
Ctrl + P To print
Ctrl + U Create a new document
Ctrl + A Open
Ctrl + R Close a document
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert footnote
Ctrl + Alt + D Insert a note at the end
Ctrl + Alt + P Switch to print layout view
Ctrl + Alt + K Insert link or hyperlink

Word commands: scroll and select

Key combination Function
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow One word to the left
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow One word to the right
Ctrl + Up Arrow One paragraph up
Ctrl + Down Arrow One paragraph down
F8 Start or expand the text selection (word, phrase, paragraph ...)
Shift + Right Arrow Select text: one character to the right
Shift + Left Arrow Select text: one character to the left
Shift + Fn Select text: to the end of the paragraph
Shift + Home Select text: at the beginning of the paragraph
Shift + Up Arrow Select text: one row up
Shift + Down Arrow Select text: one row down

Word commands: formatting options

Key combination Function
Ctrl + N Apply bold format
Ctrl + I Apply italic formatting
Ctrl + U Apply underline format
Ctrl + Shift + W Apply underlining to words, not spaces.
Ctrl + Shift + D Apply double underline format
Ctrl + Shift + + Superscript
Ctrl + = Subscript
Ctrl + Shift + A Change to uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + K Apply format of small caps
Ctrl + Shift + Q Change selected text to symbol font
Shift + F3 Change the text between uppercase, lowercase and title type
Ctrl + left bracket ([) Decrease font size by 1 point
Ctrl + closing bracket (]) Increase the font size by 1 point
Ctrl + E Center the text
Ctrl + D Align text to the right
Ctrl + Q Align text to the left
Ctrl + J Justify
Ctrl + M Indent paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + M Unindent a paragraph
Ctrl + T Create a French indent
Ctrl + Shift + T Remove a French indentation
Ctrl + 1 Apply single spacing
Ctrl + 2 Apply double spacing
Ctrl + 5 Apply 1.5 spacing
Ctrl + Shift + N Undo the formatting of all text
Ctrl + Alt + K Enable AutoFormat
