One of the advantages that CouchDB offers is the good synchronization of several databases , which is especially important for distributing data in a CouchDB cluster. In this way, the resulting data redundancies alleviate the entire system. Queries to the database can therefore get responses from different CouchDB instances. Large, geographically distributed database networks can be easily managed.
By synchronizing the database for different users in different locations, Apache CouchDB is opting for a gradual strategy , which offers a decisive advantage: the synchronization process is not interrupted in case of poor or interrupted network connections. When connection problems are over, the database picks up right where it left off before the signal interruption. The developers emphasize in this regard that the system does not ignore this possibility and assumes that these types of errors can occur in everyday life.
In addition, CouchDB uses the beginner-friendly JSON (short for JavaScript Object Notation) format for transmitting and storing its logs. This format is due to the tableless design that, unlike relational models, to date allows unstructured information to be stored .
Users can also rely on the ease of use of CouchDB, as it is based on popular web technologies such as REST, JSON, and JavaScript. Nothing prevents the introduction of large server clusters down to mobile devices.