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in Help by (242k points)
How to access and download the data that Apple collects about you.

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by (1.6m points)
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How to access, download, modify or delete the data that Apple collects about you and your activity.

Surely you have noticed that each and every one of the services and internet platforms to which you subscribe or use are sending you different emails or notifications warning you about changes to their new privacy and data management policy (General Protection Regulation Data (RGPD)). All this is promoted by a new law at a European level that obliges online services to make known to users the data that is collected from them, so that these data are used, give the option to rectify them or even delete these data. Well, Apple already allows us to know the information it collects about us as well as being able to download or even delete it.


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If you are users of an Apple device, be it Macbook, iPhone or iPad, surely you have an Apple ID that is nothing more than a user account necessary for the proper functioning of your device. However, this Apple account is used for multiple Apple services such as the App Store, iTunes, etc..

This information can later be used or even sold with different intentions such as improving marketing campaigns or influencing the opinions and decisions of users, as discovered with the Cambridge Analytica case, which affects the data of millions of users. From Facebook.

Well, Apple collects information from users who make use of these services through their Apple ID. After the entry into force of the new European data protection law, Apple already allows the download of your data to get to know them as well as delete or modify them if you consider it appropriate..

At the moment, the option to download your information from Apple is only available in the countries of the European Union since at the moment the law will only be implemented in the member countries. However, many platforms are deciding to implement these changes to other countries, so they may soon be available in countries such as Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, etc.

Having said this, we want to show you step by step how to download and obtain the information and data that Apple collects about you :

How to access, download, modify or delete the data that Apple collects about you and your activity.

The first thing we will have to do is access the official Apple privacy page. You can do this from the following link: Apple Data and Privacy . Once on this official website you will have to log in using your Apple ID .


After logging in, you will get a screen that shows 4 options such as: Get a copy of your data , Correct your data , Deactivate your account and Delete your account . Under the option Obtain a copy of your data you will find a blue link that says: Get started. This will allow you to:

" Download a copy of your data Apple apps and services. The app usage or purchase history may be included, in addition to the data you store in Apple, such as calendars, photos or documents.


Now you will find yourself on a screen that will describe what the download consists of as well as the format of the files that will contain your information. After this description you can select all the information you want to download individually or all at the same time. Among the information you can download is:

- Activity on the App Store, iTunes Store, iBooks Store and Apple Music.

- Information about the Apple ID account and the device.

- Activity in Apple Online Store and Apple Store.

- AppleCare support history, repair requests, and more

- Game Center activity

- Favorites and iCloud reading list.

- iCloud calendars and reminders

- iCloud contacts

- iCloud Notes

- Maps Report a problem

- Marketing subscriptions, downloads and other activities

- Other data

- iCloud Drive files and documents

- iCloud Mail

- iCloud Photos


When you have checked the option or options you want to download, you only have to scroll down the screen to find and select the Continue option ..


Now we will be directed to a new screen where we can configure the maximum size of the file to be downloaded. If the file is larger than this size, then it will be divided as many times as necessary into files of the same maximum size. When you have everything ready, all you have to do is click on the blue button: Complete Application .


This will cause the service to send you an email giving you details about the information you are going to download. You will also be informed that the file to download with your data may take several days to be available and when it is, you will be notified by a new email.

When you receive the last email, you only have to click on the link included in that email to proceed with the download of your data. When the download is complete you will find a ZIP file which you can unzip to access your Apple data.
