+5 votes
in Linux/Unix by (242k points)
Install or uninstall Go Ubuntu 21.04, 20.04

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1.6m points)
Best answer

1. How to install Go on Ubuntu
2. How to uninstall Go in Ubuntu

There are different programming languages, each with a focus on different segments of use for programmers, one of these languages ​​is the Go language, which is a code project that presents us with a set of functions to make programming tasks something not just simple but much more enriching..



Go integrates different concurrency mechanisms so that program writing tasks are better exploited in multicore computers and computers on the network , additionally it has a type system for the construction of modular programs.


Some of its most outstanding features are:
  • Concurrency and garbage collection support
  • Static and compiled type language
  • Multiprocessing and high-performance networks
  • Extensive toolset and library


getFastAnswer will take every step to install, and uninstall, Go on Ubuntu 20.04, 20.10, and 21.04..



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1. How to install Go on Ubuntu


Step 1

We open the terminal and execute the following command to download the latest version of Go:
 sudo wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.15.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz 


Step 2

Once downloaded, we extract the content to the / usr / local path:
 sudo tar -C / usr / local -xzf go1.15.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz 


Step 3

Now, we add the go path to the .bashrc / etc / profile file in order for it to be installed throughout the system, we execute:
 export PATH = $ PATH: / usr / local / go / bin 


Step 4

We apply the changes with the following command:
 source ~ / .bashrc 


Step 5

We check the version of Go installed with the following command:
 go version 


Step 6

Alternatively, we can install Go using the Snap package manager with the following command:
 sudo snap install --classic --channel = 1.15 / stable go 


Step 7

We create a Go file with the following command:
 cat> hello-solvetic.go 
we enter the following:
 package main import "fmt" func main () { fmt.Println ("Hello getFastAnswer!") } 


Step 8

We press Enter to save the changes, now we execute the following to see the result of the above:
 go run hello-solvetic.go 



2. How to uninstall Go in Ubuntu


Step 1

As soon as you no longer want to use Go in Ubuntu, to uninstall it we are going to first execute the following:
 sudo rm -rf / usr / local / go 


Step 2

This will delete the extracted file in that path, now we access the binary file:
 sudo nano ~ / .bashrc 


Step 3

There we must find, if it exists, the $ PATH line and delete its content, if we do so we save the changes with the Ctrl + O keys and exit the editor with the Ctrl + X keys.
We apply the changes:
 source ~ / .bashrc 


Step 4

We check with "go version" that it is no longer available in Ubuntu:




So we have installed and uninstalled Go in Ubuntu 21.04, 20.10 or 20.04.

