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An easy way to take 360 ​​° photos with an iPhone

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What is a 360 ° photo?
Take a 360 ° photo with iPhone Pano mode


In the past, to create a panoramic photo and distribute it on the internet, you had to invest several thousand euros in photographic equipment. Fortunately, 360-degree shooting has become widely available. Nowadays, you can take 360 ​​degree photos with a simple iPhone..

What is a 360 ° photo?

With the rise of virtual reality, panoramic photos are becoming increasingly popular on the web. You may have come across this type of photography before. Unlike a traditional snapshot, 360 degree photos provide a more immersive experience.

This shooting mode makes it possible, for example, to highlight a landscape and explore the entire environment around the camera. But contrary to what many think, panoramic photography is not reserved for an elite capable of acquiring a specific device to take spherical photos..

With the arrival of 360-degree photo applications, the practice has clearly become more democratic. To achieve this feat, the apps use a technique capable of automatically assembling the different images taken on the same axis.

Once done, photos sometimes suffer from distortion and inconspicuous editing. But although the result is not as impressive as with a device dedicated to panoramic photography, it is still possible to navigate in the landscape by swiping the screen with your finger..

Take a 360 ° photo with iPhone Pano mode

The iPhone camera has evolved steadily over the past few years. It now includes a pano option which, as its name suggests, allows you to create a pan. It has the advantage of being supplied by default with your Apple smartphone. You don't have to buy or download anything.

In addition to being free, the Pano function has a small tutorial to help you take successful 360 ° photos. In addition to this guide, we offer some tips and tricks for positioning your phone correctly.

  • Open the Camera app on your iPhone
  • Slide your finger to open the Pano mode
  • Choose a direction (left or right)
  • Press the shutter button on the camera
  • Move your camera to the right or left, taking care to make a regular movement

As you can see, the Pano function is very easy to use and provides excellent results, provided you follow a few simple rules. You have to be careful not to move too quickly.

This way the iPhone's camera will be able to capture more details. Also be careful not to move. If you don't have a tripod, be sure to hold the phone with your hand as close to your chest as possible (stability). The technique is the same as that used with burst mode.

Also, be careful not to tilt the iPhone down or up. Movements may cause your photo to become totally blurry. The object of the game is to keep the arrow (on the screen of your device) in the center. Note that it is possible to limit the length of the panorama by clicking on the shutter of the iPhone camera. Here are some tips for forcing the camera to take JPEG snapshots.
