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in Android by (242k points)
6 apps that calculate how much water you need to drink per day

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by (1.6m points)
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Hydro Coach
Water reminder
Water Tracker & Drink Reminder
Stay hydrated
Water tracker

Drinking water is essential, whether you're on a diet, exercise, or just go about your daily activities. 60 percent of the human body is water. It aids digestion, keeps skin healthy, improves heart function and regulates body temperature..

These apps will calculate how much water you need to drink based on gender, age and lifestyle and will remind you to stay hydrated. Although they are similar in functionality, you can still find the best for yourself.



The Waterful app starts by collecting information about you: gender, weight and lifestyle. With this information, Waterful will calculate how much water you need to drink per day. Whether you're leading an active lifestyle, breastfeeding or recovering from a workout, this app is sure to remind you in time to drink some water..

Notifications will appear daily in accordance with the set goals. In the settings, you can select the amount of water in the glass, from 100 ml to 800 ml. And also indicate what you plan to drink: water, coffee, milk, soda or tea.

If you do not drink any of this daily, you can add another drink. You can check weekly, monthly, and yearly statistics to see how consistently you are meeting your water goal..

Hydro Coach


Hydro Coach is one of the best dehydration prevention apps according to Healthline.com in 2019. It has a system of achievements (achievements) to constantly motivate you to fulfill your goal and not forget about drinking.

Statistics show the amount of water you drink per week, month and year. Hydro Coach data can be synced with apps like Samsung Health, Fitbit and Google Fit to better track your fitness.

The paid version allows you to export data as an Excel file to other devices. It also has access to advanced statistics and the ability to disable ads.

Water reminder


By filling in the data about yourself in the Water Reminder application , namely, weight, sleep time and gender, you can use all its capabilities. You will receive reminders to drink water, as well as helpful tips on how to do it best. You can choose vibration, sound and vibration as notification, or push notification only.

You can track the amount of water you drink in the "History" tab. It contains statistics and reports on how much water you drink and how often. Application settings allow you to set any sound for notification, convenient schedule and reminder mode. You can change the volume of the mug or customize the drinks in a couple of clicks.

Water Tracker & Drink Reminder


Beyond health tips, the Water Tracker & Drink Reminder app has so  much more to offer: a user-friendly interface and beverage options that range from milk to tea and water. You can also choose the amount of liquid you want to drink every day.

Stats and built-in achievement system will help you stay on track. You can set reminders at desired intervals to help you meet your daily quota.

In the paid version, ads are turned off and it becomes possible to save data to the cloud.

Stay hydrated


The amount of water required in Stay Hydrated is  calculated based on the personal information that you fill in when you first start the application. You can even set goals and reminders based on the weather outside. Of course, you can choose your favorite mugs or bottles depending on what you have at home or at work.

If you want to use features like dark mode, home screen widgets, and notification sounds, you'll have to pay for the premium version. Although some of these features are available for free in other applications

Water tracker


The Water Tracker app is n't much different from the others in this article. It lets you know how much water you drink each day and shows reminders according to the specified schedule. To assess your progress over a certain time, you can open the statistics section by day, week, month and year.

In the settings, you can choose a convenient interval and volume of the bottle from which you will drink during the day. Using Water Tracker in conjunction with workout apps will bring results faster than you think.
