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in Travels by (242k points)
6 websites to plan your trip during COVID-19

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Travel Bans: list of countries with open borders
Covid Entry Check: Get updates on planned routes
Covid Controls: the number of infected and restrictions
Airsiders Compass: airline and airport rules
Wanderu COVID-19 Travel Guide: Traveling by Bus and Train
AAA COVID-19 US Travel Map

September 27 was declared by the UN as the annual World Tourism Day, but the tourism industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Naturally, people are afraid to travel at a time like this. However, if you are aware of the countries that are open to tourists, where you can travel subject to the restrictions associated with the coronavirus, as well as you know security protocols and quarantine procedures, airline and airport rules, you will be able to protect yourself much more effectively if still decide on a trip..

With this collection of sites, you can find answers to all your questions about travel or vacation during a pandemic. Unfortunately, most of the sites are in English, but the information can be quickly translated directly into the browser by the built-in translator. Use common sense while providing instructions and information. Most experts recommend not traveling unnecessarily, especially for those with weak immune systems.

Travel Bans: list of countries with open borders


Travel Bans has become a favorite place on the Internet for finding travel information during or after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a streamlined website with quick and clear information on everything there is to know about international travel..

Add your departure location and click the Open for Travel button to see all the countries you can visit right now. In the list, grouped by continent, click on any country to see the most important points from all the rules.

This page contains clearly arranged information on everything you need to know: full restrictions, quarantine measures at entry, border crossing rules, departure restrictions, insurance, certification and vaccinations. All information is taken from the official statements of the country, and not from third-party sources or media. It is critical to use trusted sites of this kind to obtain reliable information about COVID-19..

Right below this information, you will see a news feed with the latest updates from this country regarding the timing of changes in travel rules. Read them carefully, and perhaps you can predict the future dynamics of their changes in order to know in advance what to expect.

Covid Entry Check: Get updates on planned routes


During the coronavirus pandemic, travel rules change almost every day. If you already know where you want to go, Covid Entry Check is a quick way to learn about rules and restrictions, as well as get the latest information on your chosen location.

Enter your starting point and destination to see the current travel policies. You will receive a summary of round trip travel and whether you need to be quarantined on arrival, as well as the current statistics on COVID-19 cases at that location. Click here for more information such as what to expect, travel restrictions within your destination, and how and where you can obtain a Greenlane Agreement for onward travel.

Most importantly, you can subscribe to be notified of any changes on a given route. So if you wanted to go visit friends or family but were unable to, sign up for Covid Entry Check updates. As soon as the government allows entry, you will receive an email authorizing you to pack your bags.

There is an analogue from the Russian service tutu.ru - " Radar of Hope ".

Covid Controls: the number of infected and restrictions


Covid Controls is an up-to-date map of the current state of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. The Tourist Entry subcategory is an easy way to filter travel restrictions to, outside and within a country.

Select the country of departure or the location where you have spent the last 14 days. Covid Controls will display a list of destinations that you are allowed to visit from that location. These directions have three statuses: allowed, partially allowed, prohibited. The map also updates to show green, yellow or red locations, making it easier to choose a destination from which you might be able to travel to another country in the neighborhood.

Click on any destination to read the details. In this part of the page, you will see government restrictions and other detailed regulations, as well as the quarantine status in that country, and the opening status of tourist spots. It will also be helpful to check restaurants, bars, hotels and transport here, as these are the main points that will be important to you as a tourist. Covid Controls also provides several links for additional reading before you make your final decision.

You can also view the map not only by travel, but also by metrics. You can see changes in the past seven days, outbreak containment policies, deaths or cases per million, and rising incidences.

Airsiders Compass: airline and airport rules


In a world undergoing the shock of COVID-19, attitudes towards routine events have changed. Flying an airplane as a way of getting around now includes a new set of rules, regulations and protocols that you need to know before take off. And they also differ by airline and origin or destination.

Airsiders Compass collects all the information you need about any airline or airport in one place. You can also search by city or country, which is very useful for cities with multiple airports or large terminals. You can easily find out how flights are connected at the current time.

For example, search for American Airlines to see its rules. There are certain rules for passengers such as mandatory wearing of face masks; changes to airport procedures such as early check-in; and changes to aircraft safety regulations such as free hygiene kits and limited in-flight meals. Many airlines also have new baggage rules that you need to familiarize yourself with. Airsiders Compass is a great resource to prepare for your flight before heading out of your home.

Wanderu COVID-19 Travel Guide: Traveling by Bus and Train


If you are not ready for air travel during the coronavirus pandemic, then you better think about ground transportation. Wanderu is a platform for online booking of bus and train tickets in the USA, Canada and some European countries. Their updated COVID-19 travel guide for bus and train travel is an amazing resource.

The most important thing you'll want to check is which bus and rail carriers are currently operating. Wanderu has a detailed, constantly updated list to help you make a decision. It also has clear guidelines and rules on mask wearing, cleanliness, insurance and health protection while traveling, as well as a policy on possible flight changes and cancellations. You will need this information before booking your ticket.

In addition, you can also find travel restrictions on the interactive map. Open a map of the United States, Canada, or Europe and hover over a state or country to view their travel recommendations. Maps are usually color-coded, so you have an idea of ​​what to expect from a particular country. You can also find and view a detailed summary for each state or country with a single click.

AAA COVID-19 US Travel Map


Many people consider traveling by car to be the safest form of travel during the coronavirus pandemic. This is your car and you can control the degree of contact with other people. The American Automobile Association (AAA) has released an updated version of its popular travel patterns specifically for travel during COVID-19 in the United States.

Checkpoints and closings of border crossings, as well as closings of states at the national level are marked on the map. This way, you know what to expect on the major roads you travel and when you need to take a detour. The map also contains the current state of state restrictions, masking rules, and other information such as whether restaurants are open. Each aspect of the data is a separate layer that you can turn on or off as you like.

Pull on the small strip at the bottom of the page that may not be visible at first glance. All information is contained in a simple, spreadsheet. You can view information about each carriageway, taking into account all the details, in order to intelligently plan your trip.
