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in Games by (242k points)
7 best tank games for computer and smartphone

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1.6m points)
Best answer

World of tanks
Steel Armor: Blaze of War
War thunder
World of Tanks Blitz
Armor Age: Tank Wars
Pocket Tanks
Tank hero

Tanks are great because these huge chunks of steel can easily destroy everything in their path. Their roar, the rumble of the tracks, the speed of the snail and the fact that you are the enemy's priority target make tank games so fun..

For many gamers, nothing is more exciting than having this kind of power. Now the most powerful tanks in history, now under your control! This is an unranked list, it's up to you to decide which game is the best for you.

World of tanks


The game that many gamers consider the cult and most popular in the world. It has over one hundred million registered users, and has twice entered the Guinness Book of Records. World of Tanks has set a world record for the simultaneous presence of players on the same MMO server..

The gameplay in the game is diverse, but it is usually classified as an arcade genre. Each tank has the so-called HP bars (something like a safety margin), which are removed during precise attacks of opponents. All equipment has other characteristics, which makes the gameplay even more interesting; to win, gamers have to practice and think over their actions.

For example, a perpendicular shot at a tank does more damage than a corner shot, since in the latter case there is a high probability of a ricochet. Each tank has a certain value for the thickness of the armor, so before starting an offensive, it is advisable to find out the weaknesses of the opponents..

Steel Armor: Blaze of War


If you want to know how a tanker feels in the cramped cockpit of his combat vehicle, take a look at Steel Armor . The gameplay consists of two parts. The first is a strategy - the player must supply units of equipment to the battlefield, place and repair them.

The second part is a tank battle simulator. The gamer moves between gunners, mechanic drivers and command posts, performing different combat missions and giving commands to the rest of the troops.

Steel Armor is not an MMO - there are no campaigns like in World of Tanks, but that doesn't make the process any less interesting. Players can create their own missions and play in one of four locations. Each battle brings experience points that increase the level of units.

To win, the player needs to develop balanced tactics while operating with one tank. Thanks to this, Steel Armor is called one of the best and most realistic simulations.

War thunder


If you combine the realism of Steel Armor with the WoT gameplay, you get the famous War Thunder . This is a free game that allows the gamer to control tanks, planes and ships, creating different combat scenarios. War Thunder has an arcade mode, but players prefer the realistic simulator mode.

Realistic mode implies the absence of a special indicator above enemy vehicles, but keeps it above allied units. This means that the player will have to carefully look for enemy tanks, but he will always know where his teammates are.

The simulation mode puts the player inside the tank and removes the indicators on the vehicles of enemies and comrades, that is, it allows you to fire at your own. In general, a gamer who is going to play in this mode needs to learn how to distinguish the IS-2 from the Tigers.

Damage calculation in War Thunder is different from other games. Instead of HP indicators, each tank has an interior that most accurately recreates its real counterpart. Various modules are hidden behind the armor, from the engine to the racks with ammunition, and in order to destroy the tank, you need to damage the most important ones.

Unlike other games, War Thunder does not focus on individual technical means, and the player can use the arsenal of an entire country. For example, if other games give gamers the maximum "Sherman", then here you can take on board all American technology. When one tank fails, another can take its place.

World of Tanks Blitz


Blitz is the mobile version of World of Tanks, but recently it can be played on PC . The app is not that complicated, but it supports fast paced battles, making it the best tank game for Android and iOS .

Gamers are provided with 250 tanks to choose from, and the maximum number of team members is 7. During the game, more and more equipment becomes available, and there is also the possibility of upgrading the crew - this allows you to create your own, unique game style.

The application has a touchscreen interface, but playing on a smartphone causes certain difficulties. On a tablet, the process will be easier, although many people use their phones without any problems. This option is suitable for those who want to spend time interestingly without spending money. Like the computer version, it can be downloaded for free.

Armor Age: Tank Wars


If you want to control not just one tank, but an entire arsenal, try playing Armor Age: Tank Wars. It is similar to World of Tanks, but allows you to fight with several units of equipment at once.

The main focus is single player campaigns. The player needs to collect a small tank army from vehicles belonging to different countries and classes - from the first to the fourth. During the game, you need to correctly position them and take into account all the strengths so as to get the maximum return.

In addition, there is a multiplayer mode and PvP. The latter implies mini-battles involving a certain number of tanks - no more than 5. PVP mode is mobile, but requires accurate tactical calculations.

Available for AndroidiPhone .

Pocket Tanks


The game is not very realistic, but true fans of strategy will like it. The game may seem silly to some, but if you want to test incredible, completely insane weapons, be sure to play Pocket Tanks.

In Pocket Tanks, gamers fight against each other on a 2D map. The path of the tanks is blocked by mountains and pits, so you can hit the enemy only if you choose the right ammunition and the angle of sight. Each player has over 100 weapons in their arsenal, including napalm, mud and split bombs, lightning, and a gravity well, so there will be plenty of room for experimentation.

Available for AndroidiPhone .

Tank hero


Over the years, many Arena games have been released. Their principle is quite simple: players fight in a simple arena, separated by several walls, and use them to ricochet.

Tank Hero is a smartphone version of a similar game. The player will need to take the tank through different locations and modes, as well as shoot opponents so that the ammunition ricochets off the walls and reaches the target.

The gameplay can be called elementary, but it will appeal to all fans of arcade games. In addition, it is one of the few offline applications for tank lovers that can be played without an internet connection.

Available for AndroidiPhone .
