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in Games by (242k points)
11 animal life simulators for Android and iPhone

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+5 votes
by (1.6m points)
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Ultimate Tiger Family
Wild african horse
Wild crocodile
Wild fox
Wild dog survival
Wasp nest
Ant Simulation 3D
My wild pet
Panda family
Savanna race

There are many simulators that you can find, ranging from a bus driver, an airplane pilot, to a surgeon doctor. But there is a separate genre - these are animal simulators that allow you to study their habits..

The fact that in the real world we cannot get to know the wildlife so closely only fuels interest in such games. Most of them are quite absurd and of poor quality, but others are not at the moment.



In WildCraft, players can build their dream zoo. There is a large selection of tools for this: you can erect mountains, dig tunnels, caves, create lakes. In other words, do everything so that the life of your animals is as close as possible to their natural habitat..

This game is very realistic: there are only those animals that are found in zoos and wildlife. Each of the virtual pets is endowed with its own character, feelings, emotions. The virtual world reacts to every decision of the player. In the campaign mode, you will travel the world and learn about nature from the point of view of a wild animal: you can visit the skin of a fox, lynx, wolf, and many other animals.

There is an opportunity to play with friends. To do this, log into WildCraft using your social network profile or email address, then invite your friends and start exploring the fascinating world of wildlife together..

The image of any character can be easily changed at will, including the nickname, voice, gender, coat color, eyes, and other parameters. In each animal family you play, you can raise up to six cubs.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Ultimate Tiger Family


The Ultimate Tiger Family game reveals to the user a small piece of the life of a tigress mother, from the period of pregnancy and the birth of cubs to the babies getting on their feet. The main task is survival, that is, obtaining food for offspring and protection from stronger rivals.

Over time, the tigress begins to teach babies to look for prey by smell. Mom also needs to show the cubs the way to a watering place on the river; explain how to hide from dangers in time. In the second part of the game, the gameplay becomes much more complicated. Many different parameters are added: endurance, jumping, movement; a large number of functions related to motherhood.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Wild african horse


Wild African Horse is an app that offers an inside look at the natural habitat of wild African horses. You yourself will become a real horse, even if only in the virtual world. Create your horse and assign characteristics to it as you wish. Then "develop" it by performing different tasks.

Game tasks will help in training your horse, make it more resilient, which will make it easier to endure long journeys. The animals that surround your horse in Africa are not always friendly. During the game you will have to counteract hostile animals, and your friends can come to the rescue at any moment.

Of course, you will also have to take care of the food of your playable character. It is recommended to run the simulator at least once a day. For this you will receive additional points that can be spent on improving skills or buying food. However, most of the time you will have to find food on your own. And at the moment of searching for food, the chances of meeting the enemy are many times higher.

The app is available for Android .

Wild crocodile


Interested in the life of wild crocodiles? Then you will definitely love Wild Crocodile! In it, you can create your own crocodile family to cope with difficulties together.

To cope with difficulties was easier, "pump" your crocodile. For example, you can take part in a special training (quest) that will increase the level of your character. The plot unfolds quickly.

Go through all the tests, learn a lot about the life of crocodiles in their natural habitat. You may encounter other wild animals along the way. For example, a rhino, a lion, an elephant. With the animals encountered, you will either have to fight or bypass them on the way to the intended goal.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Wild fox


Wild Fox simulates the life of a wild fox surviving in harsh winter conditions. While searching for food or a place for a new burrow, you will often come across enemies, sometimes dangerous, and sometimes not very. For example, you can meet a field mouse, boar, and other forest dwellers. Develop the abilities and skills of your hero while performing special tasks - this will make it easier to defeat the enemy.

Every day you will receive new offers from the game. Bonuses are awarded not only for completing quests, but also for starting the simulator. The game features realistic graphics and living conditions of forest animals.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Wild dog survival


Wild Dog Survival will be your pass to the world of wolves. This open-world RPG game in which you have to "pump" your character - a wolf - competing or joining forces with other players. The landscape, sound design and pumping elements - everything works for you! By the way, you can become the leader of the pack in just half an hour of playing time.

Hunting is an integral part of the gameplay. The more you "pump" your wolf, the more chances the ward have to cope with a strong opponent. The higher the level of the character, the more opportunities for choosing a location and "pumping" new skills.

The app is available for iPhone .

Wasp nest


Wasp Nest is a bee life simulator with interesting gameplay. Your bee lives in a huge hive nestled in the greenery of New York's Central Park. Every morning she flies out to collect pollen from flowers, and every evening she returns home. The "correct" flowers are marked with a yellow marker.

Your task is to completely fill the bag with sweet trophies and then fill the honeycomb with pollen. By the way, in the evening with a full load it is much more difficult to return to the hive than to fly out of it light in the morning. Reduced maneuverability and greatly reduced flight speed. And this is just a small part of the daily duties of an insect!

One of the most dangerous cases is a duel with an aggressive bumblebee. To strike, you need to stop the slider running on the three-color scale. To repulse the attack, you need to block. The one with more lives left wins.

Also in Wasp Nest Simulator there is an interesting mini-show - the dance of bees. In this "game within a game" you will need to repeat the dance moves of another bee using the arrows. This strange ritual is necessary to transfer information from one insect to another.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Ant Simulation 3D


Ant Simulation 3D is a game that can be called a design experiment. The user is invited to feel the indescribable attraction of life, looking at it through the eyes of a tiny ant. See the world in a new way!

In the virtual world, you will have to wander through thickets of grass and bushes, study soils and mushrooms. And you also need to restore the anthill, survive yourself and help your fellows survive - then you will become the leader of the ant community.

When you first start, you need to create your future neighbors in the anthill, using many of the available parameters, including appearance and abilities. You will also have to contact other insects and fight for territories and resources.

Features include a high degree of detail and realistic environment, a well-thought-out ant community management system, as well as the ability to choose the nature of your ant.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

My wild pet


My Wild Pet simulates the behavior of wild animals. The game begins with the abduction of a cub of one of the inhabitants of the animal world. Your task is to go along with other characters to find the baby and find him.

At the beginning of the virtual journey, you will be asked to choose any character from those provided by the developers, endowing him with a nickname, coat color, individual character traits. The game is suitable for both children and adults.

The game is multiplayer. This means that you can invite your friends to it. To do this, log into the application using your social network account, and then send invitations to your friends.

The app is available for Android and iPhone .

Panda family


Panda Family is a simulator of the life of the most adorable animals on our planet. In this game, you will see and explore the wild world of China.

First of all, you need to create your own panda and set the parameters to the animal that you just want from those provided by the developer. The second thing is to start a family and have a little panda. During the game, you may encounter hostile animals that will definitely try to ruin your life.

You must surround yourself with strong animals. Protecting your family will help you build friendly bonds with other jungle dwellers, and vice versa. It will also help you to experience the nature of China. To survive, your family will have to think about food, and friendly characters will help you with your daily bread.

The app is available for iPhone .

Savanna race


In the game Savanna Race, you are invited to take part in an exciting race. You can play as different animals, including zebra, lion, antelope, giraffe, elephant. See the conditions in which the inhabitants of the savannah live, take a look at the lions and rhinos in their natural habitat. The simulator amazes with magnificent graphics and animation.

Along the way, you will have to overcome many obstacles, and at the same time get acquainted with the unusual and beautiful world of Africa. To get advantages over opponents, you need to level up your character. The more races you win, the higher the level will be.

Savanna Race is a multiplayer game. To join the community of gamers from all over the world, it is enough to have the Internet. And getting into the TOP of the world rating of players depends only on you. Show what you are capable of, make your way to the leaders of this exciting animal race!

The app is available for Android and iPhone .
