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in Twitter News by (242k points)
Automatically block accounts that harass you on Twitter

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Harassment and social media
Activate Twitter security mode


Twitter is currently testing a new tool called Safe Mode to reduce the nuisance caused by trolls and other unscrupulous users. The feature is currently only available in beta but its results are very promising. In this guide, we explain how to activate Twitter security mode..

Harassment and social media

Threats, mockery, insults, online violence have continued to increase in recent years. Social networks are not exempt from this scourge. A study carried out by the e-Enfance association reveals that one in five adolescents claim to be the victim of cyber-harassment in France. And the phenomenon affects young adolescents more than the rest of the population.

The big social media platforms are starting to realize the scale of the problem. To fight against this surge of hatred and make conversations safer, Twitter has just launched a new tool called Safety Mode..

Here is a few lines of how this utility works. Once secure mode is activated in your account settings, Twitter's algorithms will analyze and attempt to identify the responses that cause problems (threats or insults in response to one of your tweets).

The author of the unwanted message is then automatically placed in your list of blocked accounts for a period of seven days. He will therefore no longer be able to follow your account (temporarily), see your tweets or even send you private messages (PM)..

The system will not take into account tweets from someone you follow or interact with often. If you like the second degree and absurd humor, you will be able to continue chatting with your friends without worrying that your messages will be censored.

Activate Twitter security mode

The great strength of Twitter is that it allows its users to send messages to any subscriber on the platform, including those who do not follow you. It also increases the risk of being exposed to harassment or insults.

The secure mode deployed by Twitter will automatically block all the trolls that are rampant on this social network. Please note, this functionality is still in testing. It is only accessible to a small group of users. Here is the procedure to follow to see if your Twitter account is eligible for this new feature.

  • Open the Twitter app on your smartphone
  • Click on your profile picture located at the top left of your phone screen
  • Select the Settings and privacy section
  • Then click on the Privacy and Security option
  • Look for the Safe Mode switch
  • Press the button to activate it

As explained above, this automatic offensive message blocking device is still in testing. Twitter takes advantage of this period to improve its algorithms on a group of users. It is therefore possible that the security mode button is not displayed on your phone screen.

Ultimately this option should be extended to all users. It is also important to note that in recent months Twitter has been trying to better protect Internet users against hate speech, racism, harassment or sexism.

Likewise, the blue bird social network keeps making changes to its platform in order to block the sharing of false or misleading content. A new system for reporting fake news should see the light of day very soon.
