First of all: A real function for creating a backup is not included in the Messenger Telegram. Because Telegram is a cloud platform that stores data across devices in a cloud. In this way, you can also log in to multiple devices with the same account. Your data will only be deleted as soon as you also delete your Telegram account. You can still create a backup with a few tricks.
How to create a backup of Telegram
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the quick start guide .
quick start Guide
- Open the Telegram desktop app on your computer and click the three-line menu in the top left . If you don't have the app yet, download it from the Microsoft Store.
- On the left, click Settings, then click Advanced .
- Now go to " Export data " and then select all the chats and media that you want to download.
- Under " Location and Format ", select " HTML Format " and click " Export ".
- Now wait 24 hours . Then request a backup again , as in the previous steps. After the export, click on " Show data ".