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What is a podcast?

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What is a podcast?
Which providers are there?
Popular podcasts

In this article you will learn what is behind a "podcast" and which providers are available..

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Image: <span> Shutterstock / carballo </span>

You have probably heard the term "podcast" before, but what exactly is it? We explain how the podcast was created, on which platforms you can listen to podcasts and what are the most popular podcasts in Germany.

What is a podcast?

The word " podcast " is made up of the terms " pod " and " cast ". If you spontaneously thought of Apple's MP3 player when you heard the first term, you are very right with your association. Because Apple and its music service iTunes were significantly involved in the market launch of podcasts. The second part of the word comes from the English term " broadcast ", which means something like " radio ". But that doesn't automatically turn a podcast into a radio broadcast. In contrast to the so-called "linear" media (with fixed broadcast times), the podcast can also be referred to as " audio on demand ", ieYou can change your content listen regardless of broadcast times . And in order not to miss a new episode, you have the option of subscribing to podcasts .

Which providers are there?

Podcasts can now be found on many different platforms. The original idea of making audio content available in series format free of charge has changed with the success of Spotify & Co. Because to listen to podcasts on Spotify or Audible , you need the paid subscription of the respective provider. In the associated apps, all you have to do is tap on the " Follow " or " Subscribe " button to subscribe to a podcast on a specific topic..


However, there is also the option of listening to podcasts free of charge on your smartphone or PC , far from these providers . Often times the podcasts have their own websites where they can be played directly. Or you can use the so-called RSS feed. On Podcast.de , for example, you will find a large number of free podcasts, sorted by topics and interests. Simply click on " Subscribe " for your desired podcast and then select how you would like to be informed about new episodes. For example , if you select " Email ", you will receive an email when a new podcast has been published.


Popular podcasts

Podcasts are offered by radio and television stations or newspaper editors, for example. But streaming platforms and influencers now also have their own podcasts. As far as topics and content are concerned, there is a seemingly endless selection depending on the area of ​​interest. We have listed some of the most popular podcasts for you:

Podcast What's the matter?
ZEIT: Crime In this "True Crime" podcast, Sabine Rückert and Andreas Sentker deal with most spectacular German criminal cases. It's about the background, motives and long-term consequences of the acts. ZEIT: Crime appears every two weeks.
The politics podcast In this podcast you will receive impressions, assessments and experiences of the correspondents directly from the capital city studio of Deutschlandsfunk.
Fire and bread Behind the title "Fire and Bread" hides a podcast that talks about social and pop-cultural, but also personal topics. Feminism, gender definitions or self-love are just a few of Alice and Maxi's themes.
Firm & fluffy Fest & Flauschig is the most successful German podcast on Spotify. Every Sunday presenter Jan Böhmermann and singer-songwriter Olli Schulz publish a new episode. Thematically, the scope of this podcast is difficult to grasp. With seriousness or absurd exaggerations, it is about social and political issues, but also private stories and experiences.
Podcast Worum geht's?
ZEIT: Verbrechen In diesem "True Crime"-Podcast setzen sich Sabine Rückert und Andreas Sentker mit spektakulären, meisten deutschen Kriminalfällen auseinander. Es geht um Hintergründe, Motive und Spätfolgen der Taten. ZEIT: Verbrechen erscheint alle zwei Wochen.
Der Politikpodcast In diesem Podcast erhalten Sie direkt aus dem Hauptstadtstudio des Deutschlandsfunks Eindrücke, Einschätzungen und Erlebnisse der Korrespondenten.
Feuer und Brot Hinter dem Titel "Feuer und Brot" versteckt sich ein Podcast, in dem über gesellschaftliche und popkulturelle, aber auch persönliche Themen gesprochen wird. Feminismus, Geschlechterdefinitonen oder auch Selbstliebe sind nur ein paar der Themen von Alice und Maxi.
Fest&Flauschig Fest&Flauschig ist der erfolgreichste deutsche Podcast auf Spotify. Jeden Sonntag veröffentlichen Moderator Jan Böhmermann und Singer-Songwriter Olli Schulz eine neue Folge. Thematisch ist der Umfang dieses Podcasts schwer zu fassen. Mit Ernsthaftigkeit oder absurden Übertreibungen geht es unter anderem um gesellschaftliche und politische Themen, aber auch private Geschichten und Erlebnisse.
