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in Apps / software by (242k points)
The most important Telnet commands

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Telnet commands

Telnet commands are easy to execute. But which ones are there anyway? We have made a list here..

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Image: <span> photoviriya / Shutterstock.com </span>

Telnet is a text-based program that you can use to connect to another computer over the Internet. You can access programs and services that are on the remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. To do this, you use commands in Telnet.

Telnet commands

The following list contains all of the standard commands as well as a few other useful commands:

close / c Terminate an existing Telnet connection.
display View the current settings for the Telnet client.
environ Defines variables for the respective operating system environment.
help /? Shows a list of the standard commands.
o telehack.com Connects to an Arpanet simulation that includes a collection of adventure and IF games. Talk to an artificial intelligence named Eliza when you use the eliza command afterwards .
open / o Telnet to a host computer or a remote server.
quit / q Quit Telnet.
send Sends selected Telnet strings to the host.
set Define the terminal type for the connection or change the connection parameters.
set? Shows a list of commands that can be used with set .
status Determine if the Telnet client is connected.
unset Loads the connection parameters set by default.
close / c Terminate an existing Telnet connection.
display View the current settings for the Telnet client.
environ Defines variables for the respective operating system environment.
help /? Shows a list of the standard commands.
o telehack.com Connects to an Arpanet simulation that includes a collection of adventure and IF games. Talk to an artificial intelligence named Eliza when you use the eliza command afterwards .
open / o Stellen Sie eine Telnet-Verbindung mit einem Host-Computer oder einem Remote-Server her.
quit / q Beenden Sie Telnet.
send Sendet von Ihnen ausgewählte Telnet-Strings an den Host.
set Legen Sie den Terminaltyp für die Verbindung fest oder ändern Sie die Verbindungsparameter.
set ? Zeigt eine Liste von Befehlen, die mit set verwendet werden können.
status Stellen Sie fest, ob der Telnet-Client verbunden ist.
unset Lädt die standardmäßig festgelegten Verbindungsparameter.
