You come across the abbreviation HTTP with every search query in the web browser. But what does it mean and how does it differ from HTTPS? In this tipss + tricks article we explain the background to you.
HTTP - what is it?
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol . This protocol can be used to transfer data in a network. The most important use of HTTP is the presentation of Internet pages . Without the log, you couldn't go to a website.
HTTP works according to the so-called client-server principle . The data is transferred between a web server and a web browser (also called a client). To access a website, the client (browser) sends a request (HTTP request) to the server. With the help of the URL (Uniform Resourse Locator), the client addresses a file on the server that the server should send to it. The request is then processed and answered with a response message. The simplest case of a response message is to display the requested website ..
Methods of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Methods are defined within the protocol that carry out certain actions on the contacted server. We have listed some of the methods for you in the following overview:
GET | Retrieve information associated with a specific url |
HEAD | Get header information associated with a URL |
POST | Send data to the web server |
PUT | Replace data for a specific URL with the new data submitted by the client |
DELETE | Delete data that is behind the respective URL |
GET | Retrieve information associated with a specific url |
HEAD | Get header information associated with a URL |
POST | Daten an den Webserver senden |
PUT | Daten für eine bestimmte URL durch die neuen, vom Client übermittelten Daten ersetzen |
DELETE | Daten löschen, die hinter der jeweiligen URL stecken |
Information that is transmitted via HTTP is unencrypted and appears in clear text . The encrypted version of the protocol - HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is available for more anonymity and secure data exchange on the Internet . You can tell whether web pages are transmitted securely by the URL. In this case the URL should start with " https: // " instead of " http: // ".