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Word: Use "Find and Replace" correctly

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Search and replace - this is how it works
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
What search options are there?
quick start Guide

We explain how you can use the "Find and Replace" tool in Word to correct your documents..

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You can use Word's "Find and Replace" function to correct recurring spelling mistakes quickly and easily. Word offers you additional options for refining your search. We'll show you how it's done.

Search and replace - this is how it works

Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Press the key combination [Ctrl] + [H] or click the " Start " to " replace ".

2nd step:

In the " Search for: " field, enter the word you want to search for. In the " Replace with: " field, enter the new text, for example the corrected word. To account for other search options in your search, you can click " Expand click".

3rd step:

In the expanded area, check the option you want. Here we have put together an overview of the various options for you.

4th step:

Click Find Next . Word then automatically searches the document for the term. Then click on " Replace " to overwrite the displayed word with the correction. You can also apply all corrections at once by clicking " Replace All ".

What search options are there?

In the following table we have listed the options with which you can refine your search in the Replace tool:

Upper / lower case Only words that are case-sensitive are replaced.
Search for whole words only Words that only partially match are not replaced.
Use placeholders Words that partially match will be replaced. For example: "M? Ster" finds the words "Master" and "Muster".
Match prefix Words that have the same prefixes or initials are replaced.
Match suffix Words with common suffixes or the same endings are replaced.
Ignore punctuation marks Hyphenation is ignored.
Ignore spaces The space between characters is ignored.
Upper / lower case Only words that are case-sensitive are replaced.
Search for whole words only Words that only partially match are not replaced.
Use placeholders Wörter, die teilweise übereinstimmen, werden ersetzt. Zum Beispiel: "M?ster" findet die Wörter "Master" und "Muster".
Übereinstimmungs-Präfix Wörter, die über die gleichen Präfixe oder Anfangsbuchstaben verfügen, werden ersetzt.
Übereinstimmungs-Suffix Wörter mit allgemeinen Suffixen oder gleichen Endungen werden ersetzt.
Interpunktionszeichen ignorieren Silbentrennung wird ignoriert.
Leerzeichen ignorieren Der Abstand zwischen Zeichen wird ignoriert.

Note: Similar spellings and word forms can also be used as search options, but only in English..

quick start Guide

  1. Press [Ctrl] + [H] or click the " Start " to " replace ".
  2. In " Search for", enter the word you want to search for . Under " Replace ", enter the term to be inserted in place of the old word. Select " expand from" add special search options.
  3. Set in the options to be considered, tick .
  4. Then click on " Find next " to start searching within the document. To exchange individual words, click on " Replace ". If you want to replace all of them at the same time, click on " Replace All ".
