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in security by (242k points)
Sign out of Gmail - how to sign out

1 Answer

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by (1.6m points)
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Sign out of Gmail
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
Subsequently deregister a device
1st step:
Step 2:
3rd step:
4th step:
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
Brief instructions: Log out of the smartphone
Brief instructions: Log off the desktop afterwards
Brief instructions: Log off your smartphone afterwards

In the following we explain how you can log out of your Gmail account - even afterwards from another device..

image image

Especially if you have logged into Gmail on a third-party PC or smartphone, you should also log out again so that no unauthorized person can access your mailbox. If you have forgotten to log out, you can also log out remotely - without having to access the relevant device.

Sign out of Gmail


It's easy to log out of Gmail in the browser. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner , then select " Log out " and you will be logged out.



If you want to sign out of Gmail on a smartphone, you need to remove your Google account from the device. This will not delete your account, it will only remove it from your smartphone until you log in again. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

In the Gmail app, tap your profile picture in the top right corner.

2nd step:

Now select " Manage accounts on this device ".

3rd step:

Then tap on your Google account .

4th step:

Then go to the button " Remove account ".

5th step:

Confirm the process by tapping " Remove Account " again .

Subsequently deregister a device

You can revoke access to your Google Account from certain devices. This is especially useful when you want to log out of a device that you no longer have access to.


Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

Open Gmail and sign in there with. Then click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and select " Manage Google Account ".

Step 2:

Select the Security category on the left, then scroll down to the My Devices section . Then click on " Manage devices ".

3rd step:

All devices on which you are logged in are displayed here. Now select the device from which you want to log out and click on the three-dot menu in the upper right corner . Then go to " Log out ".

4th step:

Confirm the process by clicking on " Log off " again .


Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Open the Gmail app and tap your profile picture in the top right corner .

2nd step:

Then select " Manage Google Account ".

3rd step:

Under the Security category, look for the My Devices heading . There tap on " Manage Devices ".

4th step:

The devices on which you are logged in with your Gmail account will now be displayed. Tap on the three-point menu of the desired device and select the entry " Log out " from the menu .

5th step:

Then tap on " Sign out " again to confirm the process.

Brief instructions: Log out of the smartphone

  1. In the Gmail app, tap your profile picture in the upper right corner and then select " Manage accounts on this device ".
  2. Then select your Google account.
  3. Then tap on the button " Remove account " and confirm the process by tapping on " Remove account " again .

Brief instructions: Log off the desktop afterwards

  1. Open Gmail and sign in there. Then click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select " Manage Google Account ".
  2. In the " Security " category, scroll down to the " My Devices " section and click on " Manage Devices ".
  3. Then click on the three-point menu of a device in the upper right corner and select " Log out ".
  4. Confirm the process by clicking on " Log off " again .

Brief instructions: Log off your smartphone afterwards

  1. Open the Gmail app, tap your profile picture in the top right corner and select " Manage Google Account ".
  2. In the " Security " category, under " My Devices ", tap " Manage Devices ".
  3. Then tap on the three-dot menu of the desired device and select " Log out ".
  4. Then tap on " Sign out " again to confirm the process.
