Would you like to block a contact in WhatsApp? We'll show you how to stop receiving messages from annoying people..
You just want to stop receiving WhatsApp messages from certain people? No problem, because you can easily block contacts. In the following article we will show you how to block contacts on your Android smartphone or on your iPhone.
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..
If you've blocked a contact from your chat list, messages from that person will no longer be delivered to you. In addition, these contacts can no longer see your status messages, your online status and profile picture changes. They can no longer contact you via WhatsApp's call function either. Of course, the same restrictions apply to you if you block someone. This means that you cannot write to or call the blocked contact via WhatsApp either.