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LaTeX: Insert math symbols

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Greek letters
Relation sign
Sets of numbers
Sequences and ranks

More formulas and symbols

With LaTeX you can insert a variety of mathematical characters and symbols. We'll list all the commands for you..

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LaTeX supports the insertion of mathematical formulas and is better suited for mathematical work than Word. In such formulas, a few other symbols are required in addition to curly brackets, characters and letters. We will show you which commands you can use to insert mathematical symbols in LaTeX.

Greek letters

Greek letters such as theta are often used in formulas to denote variables. In the following table we show you which letter is created with which LaTeX instruction. Always remember that the letters can only be inserted in math mode. This is introduced in LaTeX with $ and also closed again with $ .

symbol Latex
α \alpha
β \beta
γ \gamma
δ \delta
ϵ \epsilon
ζ \ zeta
η \ eta
θ \ theta
ι \ iota
κ \ kappa
λ \ lambda
μ \ mu
ν \ nu
ξ \ xi
ο \ omicron
π \pi
ρ \ rho
σ \ sigma
τ \dew
υ \ upsilon
ϕ \ phi
χ \ chi
ψ \ psi
ω \omega
φ \ varphi
symbol Latex
α \alpha
β \beta
γ \gamma
δ \delta
ϵ \epsilon
ζ \ zeta
η \ eta
θ \ theta
ι \ iota
κ \ kappa
λ \ lambda
μ \ mu
ν \ nu
ξ \ xi
ο \ omicron
π \pi
ρ \ rho
σ \ sigma
τ \dew
υ \ upsilon
ϕ \ phi
χ \ chi
ψ \ psi
ω \omega
φ \ varphi

Relation sign

Relation signs are needed in mathematics when a relationship between two things is to be described. Here, too, we have summarized all associated characters including the LaTeX command in a table for you..

Hint: Think again of the math mode when inserting.

symbol Latex importance symbol Latex importance
< < Less than > Greater-than
≮  \ nless not less than \ ngtr not greater than
≤   \ leq Less-than or equality ≥   \ geq Greater than or equality
\ leqslant Variant of ≤ ⩾  \ geqslant Variant of ≥
\ nleq neither less than nor equality ≱   \ ngeq neither greater than nor equality
\ prec is the predecessor of ≻   \ succ is the successor to
⊀  \ nprec no predecessor of ⊁  \ nsucc no successor to
\ preceq is predecessor of or equal to ⪰   \ succeq Successor to or equal to
⋠   \ npreceq neither predecessor nor the same ⋡  \ nsucceq neither successor nor equal
≪   \ ll Much-less-than ≫  \ gg Much-greater-than
\ lll Very-much-less-than \ ggg Very-much-greater-than
⊂  \ subset Subset of ⊃  \ supset Superset of
⊄  \ not \ subset not a subset of ⊅   \ not \ supset Not a superset of
⊆   \ subseteq Subset of or equality ⊇   \ supseteq Superset of or equality
⊈   \ nsubseteq Neither part of nor equality ⊉   \ nsupseteq Neither a superset of nor equality
⊏   \ sqsubset is (real) less than; is contained in; (happens; is the first substring of \ sqsupset is (real) greater than; contains; (comes after; is the end substring of
\ sqsubseteq is smaller than; is included in or equal to \ sqsupseteq is bigger than; contains or equals
= = same \ neq not equal
≈  \ approx approximately \ cong congruent
\ equiv equivalent \ sim similar
|| \parallel is parallel to \ nparallel is not parallel to
\ asymp is asymptotic too \ bowtie Natural link (binary operator)
\in Element of ∋  \ ni contains as an element
\ models modeled ∉  \ notin no element of
⊥  \ perp stands perpendicular to \ mid Splits
symbol Latex importance symbol Latex importance
< < Less than > Greater-than
≮  \ nless not less than \ ngtr not greater than
≤   \ leq Kleiner-als oder Gleichheit ≥   \geq Größer-als oder Gleichheit
\leqslant Variante von ≤ ⩾  \geqslant Variante von ≥
\nleq weder Kleiner-als noch Gleichheit ≱   \ngeq weder Größer-als noch Gleichheit
\prec ist Vorgänger von ≻   \succ ist Nachfolger von
⊀  \nprec kein Vorgänger von ⊁  \nsucc kein Nachfolger von
\preceq ist Vorgänger von oder gleich ⪰   \succeq Nachfolger von oder gleich
⋠   \npreceq weder Vorgänger noch gleich ⋡  \nsucceq weder Nachfolger noch gleich
≪   \ll Viel-kleiner-als ≫  \gg Viel-größer-als
\lll Sehr-viel-kleiner-als \ggg Sehr-viel-größer-als
⊂  \subset Teilmenge von ⊃  \supset Obermenge von
⊄  \not\subset keine Teilmenge von ⊅   \not\supset Keine Obermenge von
⊆   \subseteq Teilmenge von oder Gleichheit ⊇   \supseteq Obermenge von oder Gleichheit
⊈   \nsubseteq Weder Teilmeinge von noch Gleichheit ⊉   \nsupseteq Weder Obermenge von noch Gleichheit
⊏   \sqsubset ist (echt) Kleiner-als; ist enthalten in; (kommt) vor; ist Anfangs-Teilstring von \sqsupset ist (echt) Größer-als; enthält; (kommt) nach; ist End-Teilstring von
\sqsubseteq ist Kleiner-als; ist enthalten in oder gleich \sqsupseteq ist Größer-als; enthält oder Ist-gleich
= = gleich \neq nicht gleich
≈  \approx ungefähr \cong kongruent
\equiv equivalent \sim ähnlich
|| \parallel ist parallel zu \nparallel ist nicht parallel zu
\asymp ist asymptotisch zu \bowtie Natürliche Verknüpfung (binärer Operator)
\in Element von ∋  \ni enthält als Element
\models modelliert ∉  \notin kein Element von
⊥  \perp steht senkrecht zu \mid teilt

Sets of numbers

With the command \ mathbb {} , capital letters are displayed as set symbols in math mode. In order for the output of the number sets to work, the amsfonts package in the preamble must be \usepackage{amsfonts} loaded via . So that you also know which letter can be used within the curly brackets, we have summarized the numbers for you in a table:

symbol importance Latex
Prime numbers \ mathbb {P}
natural numbers \ mathbb {N}
whole numbers \ mathbb {Z}
real numbers \ mathbb {R}
∗ ℝ hyperreal numbers {} ^ * \ mathbb {R}
complex numbers \ mathbb {C}
Quaternions \ mathbb {H}
I. irrational numbers \ mathbb {I}
A. algebraic numbers \ mathbb {A}
T transcendent numbers \ mathbb {T}
Symbol Bedeutung LaTeX
Primzahlen \mathbb{P}
natürliche Zahlen \mathbb{N}
ganze Zahlen \mathbb{Z}
reelle Zahlen \mathbb{R}
∗ ℝ hyperreelle Zahlen {}^*\mathbb{R}
komplexe Zahlen \mathbb{C}
Quaternionen \mathbb{H}
I irrationale Zahlen \mathbb{I}
A algebraische Zahlen \mathbb{A}
T transzendente Zahlen \mathbb{T}

Sequences and ranks

The most important symbols for sequences and series can also be displayed in LaTeX without any problems:

symbol importance Latex
total \ sum
product \ prod
Coproduct \ coprod
()  consequence  ()
-> converges against  \ to
∞  infinite \ infty
Symbol Bedeutung LaTeX
Summe \sum
Produkt \prod
Koprodukt \coprod
(     )  Folge  ( )
-> konvergiert gegen  \to
∞  unendlich \infty

More formulas and symbols

Do you need another symbol or formula? We have already written several LaTeX articles on other areas. Simply click on the appropriate link:

  • LaTeX: represent integrals
  • LaTeX: create a matrix
  • LaTeX: insert special characters
