Would you like to set up a read receipt for your Gmail account? You can read here what requirements must be met for this..
Read receipts are a useful feature of many e-mail providers: you are notified when a recipient has opened your e-mail. Gmail also offers this function - but not for all users.
The read receipt function is unfortunately not available for personal gmail.com accounts. In the meantime there were some browser extensions that could supplement the function. However, none of them are currently working. Specifically, this means for you: Gmail only allows read receipts if you have a G Suite account. G Suite accounts are corporate or school accounts that have subscribed to Gmail. The accounts usually end in @ companyname.com or @ schoolname.edu. To activate the function, the administrator of your organization must allow you to request read receipts or to send them back. Once activated, all administrator-approved email addresses can send and receive read receipts. The administrator can also optionally define the function of the confirmations. In this case, Gmail will ask users if they want to send a read receipt when they open a message.
As mentioned earlier, only the administrator of an organization can set up read receipts. The following instructions therefore only apply to G Suite administrator accounts..
Click on the " Save " button below when you have made the required settings. It can then take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.